alps_distribution_analyt Module

This module evaluates a pre-defined function for f0. This is an alternative to the use of an f0 table or a bi-Maxwellian approximation. This function can be used to define f0 for the integration or for the analytic continuation (or both).

Used by

  • module~~alps_distribution_analyt~~UsedByGraph module~alps_distribution_analyt alps_distribution_analyt proc~eval_fit eval_fit proc~eval_fit->module~alps_distribution_analyt program~generate_distribution generate_distribution program~generate_distribution->module~alps_distribution_analyt


public function distribution_analyt(is, pperp, ppar)

This function returns the pre-defined function as f0.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: is

Index of species.

double precision :: pperp

Perpendicular momentum.

double complex :: ppar

Parallel momentum.

Return Value doublecomplex