read_in_params Subroutine

subroutine read_in_params()

This subroutine reads in system parameters input file (namelist) as argument after executable: ./interpolate




proc~~read_in_params~~CallsGraph proc~read_in_params read_in_params proc~get_runname get_runname proc~read_in_params->proc~get_runname proc~get_unused_unit get_unused_unit proc~read_in_params->proc~get_unused_unit

Called by

proc~~read_in_params~~CalledByGraph proc~read_in_params read_in_params program~interpolate interpolate program~interpolate->proc~read_in_params


Namelist system


Name Type Default Description
filename character(len=256) None

File name of input file for interpolation.

smoothing double precision None

Smoothing parameter for spline interpolation.

nperp integer None

Number of perpendicular steps on fine output grid.

npar integer None

Number of parallel steps on fine output grid.

ppar_min_set double precision None

Forced minimum perpendicular momentum for output.

ppar_max_set double precision None

Forced maximum parallel momentum for output.

pperp_min_set double precision None

Forced minimum perpendicular momentum for output.

pperp_max_set double precision None

Forced maximum perpendicular momentum for output.

mode integer None

Format of input grid (order pperp/ppar).

threshold double precision None

Lower treshold for f0-values (coarse grid) to be included.

out_to_file logical None

Check whether output should be written to file.

do_normalize logical None

Check whether normalisation should be applied.

mult_pperp double precision None

Scaling factor for perpendicular momentum.

mult_ppar double precision None

Scaling factor for parallel momentum.

mult_f double precision None

Scaling factor for f0.